The Do’s and Dont’s of Buying Second Hand Apartment Décor

October 15th, 2015

Furnishing your apartment for rent is one of the most expensive projects that you can ever undertake. If you have just recently moved to your apartment, then you most probably are in a tight budget right now. If you wish to furnish your apartment in the most affordable way possible, you may wish to consider buying from a thrift store or a yard sale.

Apartment Shelf

Bargain shopping indeed presents some advantages but it has some drawbacks as well. If you want to buy your apartment decors in the most affordable way possible minus the disadvantages, here are some of the do’s and don’ts that you must follow:

Don’t buy items that might be contaminated.

When it comes to finding the perfect items in a yard sale or a bargain shop, the best thing that you can do is to avoid the items that could be contaminated. No matter how great and beautiful the throw pillows are or how gorgeous the quilt is, it will never be worth it especially since these items have a great risk of being contaminated. Other items that you must avoid include towels, blankets and many others.

Do haggle.

Haggling may not be feasible for thrift stores but you will be happy to know that yard sales are open to the concept of haggling. In the event that you have found an item but it is too expensive for you, then learn to negotiate to lower the price. However, you should be careful about asking for price that is too low as there is a big chance that you will offend or insult the seller.

Don’t purchase broken furniture.

It is never wise to purchase a broken furniture, no matter how easy it is to get repaired. There is no sense in buying an item at a low price when the money that you have to shell out to get it repaired cost the same price of a brand new item. No cute secondhand item or furniture is ever worth it.

Do be on the lookout for discounts.

Many thrift stores offer discounts or hold sales from time to time. If you wish to buy furniture at a low rate, then you must always be on the lookout for these deals. It is recommended that you ask the staff  about it.

Don’t create a list.

Having a list is recommended when you are going on grocery shopping. However, creating a list before going to a yard sale or a thrift shop may not be a wise idea. The reason why you would go to these shops is to discover great finds. When you have a list with you, you limit your choices and you may end up missing your chance of buying a useful and gorgeous piece of furniture. With this in mind, you better leave your list at home.

Just be sure to keep all these do’s and don’ts in mind when bargain shopping and you can surely be able to furnish your apartment in the most affordable way possible.

Image License: CC0 Public Domain / Pixabay

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