Basic Guide In Renting A Low Income Apartment

May 2nd, 2014 by Apartment Guru

All of us would love to get and stay in a house or apartment with big pool, lots of rooms, lots of bathrooms with Jacuzzi etc. But the thing is, if you are an average Joe  this won’t be possible (for now). If you are just earning enough in a year to feed your self and family, you […]

Why You Should Rent A Truck When Moving To Another Apartment?

Moving Box
April 26th, 2014 by Apartment Guru

Moving from one place to the other can become a pretty big task for you. When it comes to packing your things and valuables, you can easily go DIY. However, moving all these packed valuables from your old apartment or home to a new one can certainly be too much of an obligation and responsibility […]

Creative Storage Ideas for Your Shoes

April 23rd, 2014 by Apartment Guru

Women’s love for shoes is irresistible. Even if the shoes have become the shoe mountain in the house, they will not give up adding another pair of shoes. So for different shoes, how can you store your shoes to turn your home organized? Read on to learn some useful ideas to store your shoes. 1. […]

Finding The Perfect Apartment (INFOGRAPHIC)

April 21st, 2014 by Apartment Guru

Apartment hunting and looking for love are somewhat the same thing. This infographic will tell and show you why and how. by ApartmentsForRent.

Apartments For Rent In Different Planets

April 13th, 2014 by Apartment Guru

Apartments For Rent In Different Planets? Sooner or later, the world we live in will be either become over populated or not cool enough to live in. This is the reason why scientists and researchers are checking out other planets if its possible for humans to live there. Once confirmed that it’s safe out there, […]

Tips On Getting An Apartment For College Students

college students
April 3rd, 2014 by Apartment Guru

If you are about to go to college or switching from dorm to apartment, you might find it hard to get a good apartment that suits your needs and budget. The process you have to go through might be stressful and hard for a student like you. But with proper information and knowledge at hand, […]

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