5 Simple But Effective Tips To Pay Rent on Time

May 1st, 2018

Paying rent on time should be your top priority as a tenant. You must be sure that you get the rent paid on or before due date each and every month. That way, you won’t incur any kind of penalty, damage your credit rating and you’ll keep a good healthy relationship with the management.

If you are having a hard time paying your rent on time, here are few tips and ideas that can help you out.

Real Estate Apartment

Create an alert

Set an alert with your phone 3 days before the due date. This way, you’ll have plenty of time rounding up the money for the rental. If you are having some financial problem, you can inform your landlord ahead of time about it too.

 Set an auto-payment

Set an auto-debit payment or arrangement from your account. Just make sure to set it days before the due date. This way, you don’t have to worry about handing off the payment to your management or landlord.

Create notes

If you have a wall calendar at home, create a note on each and every month about your rental payment. Better if this calendar is placed in an easy-to-notice location.

Pay online

If the management allows paying rent online, do so at your own convenience. Just make sure to set an alert on your computer so you can make the payment before the due date arrives.

Early payment discounts

Ask your management or landlord if they offer early payment discounts. If they do, keep this in mind and surely you will more than willing to pay your rent on time. The extra money you’ll save can now be used for that much needed “me time”.

These are just few of the basic tips and advice to make sure that you pay your rent on time. If you have other or better ideas, please let us hear them up via the comment section below.

10 responses to “5 Simple But Effective Tips To Pay Rent on Time”

  1. Andy Atsugah says:

    Early payment discounts really work. I have been doing this for previous landlord and he sort of liked it. He offered me 10% off my rent and that’s great. I’m glad you shared that, because managing and paying rents get problematic sometimes.

  2. Auto payment is a GREAT option to making sure that rent is paid in a timely manner. I do this with my credit cards and insurance and it works great for making sure I don’t miss any payments.

  3. ROSE ANN SALES says:

    Those are really great ways to pay your rent. Thank you for sharing this with us,

  4. Rachel Dean says:

    These are great tips. I had to switch to automatic payments. It’s too difficult to remember to pay bills 🙂

  5. Cindy Gordon says:

    These tips are really great. Staying on top of any payment is important to financial success.

  6. This is going to really help a lot of new renters out. Being on top of the rent payment is so great for relieving stress.

  7. Trina says:

    Great tips, I am super forgetful so we always set it to auto pay and then I put a reminder on my phone too.

  8. This honestly is helpful to those who are moving for the first time. At the beginning of the year I looked for tips all over to help our move be easier.

  9. I’ve never thought to ask for a discount if I pay early. This is such a smart idea and great incentive for paying your rent before the due date.

  10. Gladys Parker says:

    I have a daughter and sil in law that should read this. I’m sending her the link she’ll think it’s a new recipe and open it. Bahaha Sometimes it is hard to be the parent and I have four!! I’d suggest asking the ll if they could make weekly payments if they really struggle with paying late. Also giving the ll checks in advance might help keep it in their mind that x amount is coming out on the certain day. My son lives in my apartment because no one paid on time but, wanted repairs right now even though their rent was not paid. very frustrating.

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